Why I made the documentary

Welcome to our Orgasmic Birth Movie Blog, As Director and Producer of Orgasmic Birth I am often asked why I made this movie. As a childbirth educator, doula, doula trainer, birth activist and mother I have been involved in childbearing issues both in the United States and Internationally for over 25 years. I have seen how our overuse of technology feeds the belief that birth is an emergency waiting to happen. Women are being told that birth is something to get through with a reliance on drugs and surgery. Many women are not receiving the information they need to make informed decisions. Why are we not providing every woman with the data that shows that many of our current practices and interventions while life saving for a mother and baby with complication, incur more harm than good for a healthy low-risk woman? Women are not being provided with full informed decision making ability including options that we know are safe, satisfying and lead to an easier labor and birth like moving in labor, choosing her own position to give birth, and others as cited in the Lamaze Six Care Practices for Normal Birth www.lamaze.org

I woke up one night with a dream of making a film that would show the truth about childbirth. Five years later my dream has become a reality. Yes, labor can be painful, pushes us to face our fears and in doing so we uncover an inner strength, that when a woman can surrender to the experience, she has the opportunity to transform herself and her labor and birth to include pleasure, power and pride in a day she will never forget. Orgasmic Birth unveils an intimate look at childbirth that has been hidden by our culture of fear.

Birth effects us all. We were all born and how this process unfolds for us as women, men, babies and families has a profound effect on how we feel about the experience and ourselves for months and years to come.

Orgasmic Birth provides expert commentary along with the personal stories of women and men who share their most intimate moments. Join us as we create a discussion of all that is possible in birth around the world.

Visit our web site to see all the countries that are sharing and discussing Orgasmic Birth www.orgasmicbirth.com

Please join me here on our blog. Share your feedback after viewing Orgasmic Birth. Let's discuss the challenges we face as we work together to transform our maternity care system to one that honors a woman's right to informed decision making, to choose where and with whom and how she will birth her baby. We have the research, it is now time to let our voices be heard to create action.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Orgasmic Birth Movie featured in WA's The Olympian


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